9624 7766
Mon to Fri
8.30am to 5.30pm
Forget everything else about furniture removals.The people who turn up to your home are the single biggest factor in whether the day goes well.
Our hiring policy is simple: we choose people who we feel comfortable with. They all have their own personalities and they’re not robots, but we don’t hire what you’d describe as “the hoodlum element”... no thuggish looking brutes, just normal, tidy respectful people who’ll do a fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay, and people who you will feel comfortable with in your home and around your family. The surveys we get back from customers would certainly suggest we are on the right track.
When moving day comes around and the truck pulls up and they knock on your door, you shouldn’t get a creepy feeling when they walk inside !
Remember... pay peanuts and you get monkeys, or worse still rock apes!